A momentary mingling.

I turn my head thinking the clock reads 7:77pm - a trick of the eye gate.The temperature sits comfortably at 77 degrees and the time actually reads 7:07. The wood grain of my old Toyota is scratched and worn and I start to recall every tick and nick on the body of this dashboard. I sway into nostalgia for a time not too long ago when the smile on my face was of a permanent hue at the thought of your name … it’s a wonder how a few words can make wild what was once tame. In my heart lives a tenderness for those I’ve loved true, names I’ve called while in this very car and the stories we’ve told each other. It’s quite a pain to miss what was so fresh and yet a clean slate was what was best. As my fingers trace my rose colored lighter, I wonder what causes the residue to stain the insides of a heart? In all it’s gold and emerald glory, what causes an uproaring of bad blood and an even worse attitude to tear away what is nourishing and holy? I’ll never ever understand. And as I sit, skin balmy under the humid moonlight I waft into another place: a silent innerstsnding, that what once will never be. but what is coming gallops to me, and in a greater form — you will never lose when you shine in the glory of all that you’ve been shown.

i’ve talked a lot about what was. nostalgia sometimes gets the best of me. but lately i’ve been into what’s to come. forward thinking and forward thoughts. fierce positivity as a lifestyle. staying present in the now to be prepared for what’s to come. stay ready so you don’t have to get ready, especially when it comes to receiving your destiny.

‪when people show you themselves, not only should you pay attention because they are telling you who they are but you are also seeing parts of yourself in them. i believe in mirror relationships and connections to be the thread that bind us to one another: we don’t just meet & grow close to folks by chance. that kindredness is one of your spirit beckoning you to grow through this person, and they are doing the same. for lack of better words, it really is God’s way of calling your bluff. You want to grow? Here’s a person who not only likes you because you can relate positively but here are also there negative traits that look similar to yours. Again, you wanted growth? Here are your issues you can change … Do something about it. Grateful for the intuitiveness that puts me onto when i’m supposed to be turning in. Alhamdulillah.‬

Bey wants me to what?


I remember loving Beyonce when I was just a child, rushing home to listen to Dangerously In Love and I was set, just like every other girl in middle school, on becoming a singer. I sang, danced, pranced, and lived for every track. I would even force my pops to listen to her song  entitled “daddy” where she paid a soulful homage to the number one man in her life, her father. So there’s no question about me being a fan. Beyonce’s music for lack of better words moves me. I love her energy, her commitment as an artist, her honesty as a woman, and her down-home roots — but something about this “Bow Down” track does not sit well with me. Don’t think I, or anyone else for that matter, has ever questioned Bey’s role in the entertainment industry, her prowess has been unmatched. There has never been a moment when we saw her as Jay’s “little wife”. To go from an album like 4 to this.. is just confusing, Bey. We love you, but we have questions honey. A lot of them.

Hoda, xo.


let us get down to the nitty gritty, the dirt dust and rime. the rust around your mind, let’s spice things up a bit. let me pull apart your mind. let me caress your thoughts with my metaphorical tongue, or my actual one - whichever moves first. let me smooth your edges with my very hands and wring you out to dry after i drench you in my mental love-making – you see, the art of conversation, true genuine soul to soul interaction has not only dwindled i am more than certain extinct, but let’s revive it baby. let’s talk and leave our inhibitions on the kitchen sink. let me travel in and out.. and in and out of your secrets, let me know you. get intimate with your past, present and future alike. i want to know about how when you got your first bike without training wheels, you sped down a hill and have never felt as free as you did then. tell me how you stay up late at night and think about the woman you will one day call your wife and how she will make you breakfast while you are still sound a sleep and how you already love her. tell me how you still hurt because you never knew your father even though he lived with you and you siblings, and how it hurt you in middle school to go to the sock hop alone. let me know all of these thoughts, let me open doors and travel through the many corridors of your mental..

i love a man that rains.

as a man

he ain’t never been much

for sunny days.

so i found myself

in love with a man

that rains. –

with his city slicker’s sadness

and country singer’s sorrows

loving me on your own accord

up and around your hip hop re-cords.

no matter how much

my affections towards you

may relate

your ways will never

match the colors of my drapes –

maybe that’s why i’m crazy about you

i become a shell of my former self

when our lips stumble over each other

in ecstasy and innocence.

our love was meant to be calm

and quite.

and maybe just as peculiar.

with a loveliness

out stretched

tumbling into your greatness

to find your weakness

and smell your tastiness

inhaling your senses

in all of this senselessness.

i have discovered a World

in your bedroom

and a universe in your bones.

maybe our love is meant to be calm

and quite.

of all the dyes in the world

i look at you

and fall in love with

the many facets 

and hues of blue you exude.

Life is filled with infinite moments, both good and bad, but my favorite moments are those when one pushes their ego aside, and rests upon the hands of God to summon love and gratitude in order to extend that to others. Something in me moves when I see a humble gesture from one individual to the next out of pure unadulterated kindness and sympathy for just being human - knowing that everyday we fight our own battles. it’s a beautiful thing, truly.