
let us get down to the nitty gritty, the dirt dust and rime. the rust around your mind, let’s spice things up a bit. let me pull apart your mind. let me caress your thoughts with my metaphorical tongue, or my actual one - whichever moves first. let me smooth your edges with my very hands and wring you out to dry after i drench you in my mental love-making – you see, the art of conversation, true genuine soul to soul interaction has not only dwindled i am more than certain extinct, but let’s revive it baby. let’s talk and leave our inhibitions on the kitchen sink. let me travel in and out.. and in and out of your secrets, let me know you. get intimate with your past, present and future alike. i want to know about how when you got your first bike without training wheels, you sped down a hill and have never felt as free as you did then. tell me how you stay up late at night and think about the woman you will one day call your wife and how she will make you breakfast while you are still sound a sleep and how you already love her. tell me how you still hurt because you never knew your father even though he lived with you and you siblings, and how it hurt you in middle school to go to the sock hop alone. let me know all of these thoughts, let me open doors and travel through the many corridors of your mental..