Happy Scorpio szn, the one time us Phoenix’s put away our stingers and slip into a paradigm that’s a little more comfortable; a little more our speed if you catch my drift 😉
Finally got my copy of ‘PLEASURE ACTIVISM’ written ÿ gathered by the illustrious @adriennemareebrown —
My creativity is born when I feel good. It’s just that simple. However programming, society and entertainment does a good job of convoluting what tools we utilize to do just that: feel good, alive and turned on by life.
Some days, pleasure is a rally cry. Other days, it is the altar I turn to in order to decolonize my mind, body and eventually my spirit. Get’cho copy & lets trace the revolution beating under our skin.
#pleasure #pleasureactivism #pleasureactivist #ifeelgood #nolanomad #scorpioszn (at New Orleans, Louisiana)
GRATITUDE, as a lifestyle •
Thank you @originalkoffee for the reminder at @a3cfestival.
#Gratitude #Koffee #nolanomad
Outer glow courtesy of inner-alchemy 🍊✨
#selfie #nolanomad #somalibae
Freedom is a feeling state
And I intend to remain here
#YouKnowWhereToFindMe #freedom #nolanomad #FindYourFree #IntrepidBodies
Fly on, little wing.
The dragonfly signifies transformation, change and adaptability across many cultures around the world. As I was musing on how far I have come in life’s journey, I also found myself acknowledging how many chapters have closed for me to be in this one, now. I’ve heard many times that grief and growth go hand in hand. Grieving what has come to pass has given me a chance to make room for many new possibilities.
Today, I hope you can take the message of the dragonfly with you to carry on, not just for the sake of saying you survived but to visit a version of life where you can rightfully thrive and expand into fresh directions. Nothing wrong with surprisingly yourself a lil bit 😉
#thoughts #instagrammusing #nolanomad #dragonfly #expansion #growth
Portal hopping, again.
#summerdaze #nolanomad #cozy
“& I ascend
Like the Phoenix
#joy #nolanomad #summertime
Summertime and your skylines. You signal the ultimate rebirth. Colors must speak to you, too? The way that I do. Uttering in clandestine hues, words meant to stick to your cerebrum like glue. When the sky comes to you and kisses your forehead, asking you how you would like to be remembered: what will you have to say to her?
#summertime #nolanomad #poetry #skyline
#brooklyndaze #biggiemural #nolanomad (at Brooklyn NYC)
Let me hear your swan song all night long.
#brooklyndaze #nolanomad #adventuretime (at Brooklyn, New York)
“& I teach Him that we are the preachers of Love.”
#nolanomad #eve #artdaze (at Flower Power Coffee House NYC)
“keep talking to me nice. I’m listening.”
— Me at God.
#brooklyndaze #living #nolanomad (at Williamsburg, Brooklyn)
I wish for you 100 years of success, but it’s my time. •
#summatime #nolanomad #peacelife #africanting (at House of Blues New Orleans)
Tenderness: I see it as an ecstatic mingling of hearts basking in a state of warmth; togetherness. Hoping to remain as real and raw as this picture makes me feel, forever.
Still gushing over my cut by @xbaldie! I’ve never cut my hair so short before but I’m trying to be more daring in new ways 🤗 thank you for helping me feel more radiant & freer in my skin mama, you rock 😌
#naturalhair #blackhairstylists #nolanomad #curls
The magnificent @stuartmccleangallery & his art has captured my eye for YEARS. What a joy it was to stumble upon this image and to chat about the man behind the brush.
Art connects us All. @addictioncoffee
#nolanomad #stuartmclean #neworleansartist #blackartists