
taking this moment to send an immense amount of gratitude to all the forces, people, energies, timing and God for helping propel me forward. I am thankful for my new-found patience and gentleness with myself. I am equally happy and proud of the level of discipline I have injected into my life. I feel a lot of joy right now. The sun is rising & everything around me is coming alive for the day and I just wanted to share this. I am swelling. Humbled. Inspired. Gracious. Alhamdulillah.

that moment when you feel actual, tangible joy spilling into places where voids used to be is such a trippy experience. admitting having been depressed and going through some of those moments alone was hard to come to terms with but it makes me appreciate the smallest things now: the birds chirping, the gust of wind right when you need in between the heat, a funny joke with the homies that has your sides splitting – in those teeny moments where i let go and burrow myself into the present, even if for a second, is truly life’s nectar. that’s the thing about living as an eternal optimist, it isn’t because the world has always been sunny and pleasant. the genesis of joy is knowing pain, and all that has done is turn me into one gracious motherfucker.