
i’ve never been afraid of expressing the need to feel important to my people. my ego & pride died a long time ago so when i fling my arms around you and treat your like a savior it isn’t because i need saving, but rather everyone deserves to be seen as a hero. especially if i am loving on you. it’s easy to extend a love for folks that fits into a mechanical form. call. text. answer. nothing, you? pop up. fuck on em. the i miss you’s. and eventually the fizzle runs flat and i’m left analyzing a situation to see if it’s still coursing and it’s not. i don’t feel comfortable with static, ingenuine displays of affection because i don’t engage in that shit, yknow what i mean? i am hyper present and a tune. i am both perfectly submissive & equally dominant. i am both an embodiment of the Divine Feminine, balanced with traits of sharp inginutity & discernment courtesy of the Divine Masculine energy. this is A LOT. it’s taken me my whole life time to realize my far reaching mind, heart and soul aren’t a burden but rather a gift to illuminate within myself and spread evenly among my loved ones. i will love you dizzy and right back sane again. issa fax, b. i do this love thing too well. i get it. i am it. i walk, talk and honor it within me everyday. Love is Me.

Mature Self empowerment and practice trusting yourself. —
Full Moon in Scorpio.

“With the sign of Scorpio be prepared to feel intense emotions and delve deep underneath the surface to extract the truth and awareness.. There may be an intense or burning desire that runs deep to remain attached (emotionally) to or hold onto someone or something even if it is toxic or unhealthy. Allow light of awareness to penetrate the dark areas of ignorance, shame and deep-seated resentment that lies hidden underneath issues. Give yourself permission to heal and move forward in your life, use the potential of the Full Moon in Scorpio to symbolically die to be reborn.”


i see love as an all-encompassing experience, a sweeping kind of existence. something i plan to submerge myself in, yes drown in. and it sounds terrific and esoteric but i mean it with every fiber of my being. i think that’s why i can never embrace the casual air of “dating”. shit, it unsettles me and leaves me wary because i know i can’t emotionally open up to randoms, it’s never right. at the end of the day, love is a feeling. one that i see motivating me to be the best i can be .. i think that’s when i’ll know. when my ever-stirring soul is settled and i feel understood by my lover, as a person and his lady. constantly drawn to him. when he isn’t afraid to participate in this deluge and make me feel free. i hope he never comes up for air when it comes to loving me.