“Aries –
You’re like a doll that was sewn up inside out. Your button eyes aren’t even and there’s still a tear that they missed at the top of your stomach, right between your ribcage. It leaks sometimes, lets your guts spill out and everybody just stands back and watches the gory details. Covering it with your hands won’t keep it all in, it’s just going to leave you with dirty hands.Taurus –
You know when you first move into your new house and you still get lost in the hallways? You’ve memorized the floor plan of another place but soon enough you’re going to lose the reflex that takes you back to your doorway. Muscle has to be trained. Making a difference all starts with which way you choose to turn your feet today.Gemini –
After awhile of doing the same thing, you start to lose interest. A hobby turns into a job. A person turns into baggage. So you throw it away and wash your hands and pick up your passport and start over. You keep having to look over your shoulder, seeing the faces of everyone you’ve ever wronged trying to track you down. Tread carefully before you turn yourself into a voodoo doll.Cancer –
Lucid dreaming is something of a worthless skill. Your nightmares come from your own mind and there’s no running from that. It’s going to catch up. You can’t outrun something that’s been training all it’s life. Stand your ground and demand that this body is your home and your thoughts are only fleeting visitors.Leo –
There’s going to come a time when you’re going to set your keys down in a new spot. Hang your jacket on a different hook. Sacrifice your side of the bed. All for the sake of being able to come home to somebody at the end of the night. You’re going to let yourself curl up next to something new and safe and it’s going to be yours and it’s going to be the only thing you care about having in the same spot.Virgo –
It’s beautiful to fall in love with all the little things of your daily life. When your blanket falls against you like a feather at the end of the night. Drawing on the fogged up mirrors of the bathroom. The sky doesn’t have a color your eye can ever identify. Being able to dream with your eyes wide open is one of the rarest traits around. Learn to love this place that you’ve invented.Libra –
There should be a trademark and copyright next to your name. You’re something that isn’t so easily duplicated and mass produced. Rather than hating the way you stand apart, learn to embrace that individuality. You don’t need to blend into your surroundings. You’re not a chameleon. Stop trying to be a part of the same tide that can turn it’s back on you in a millisecond and pull you under.Scorpio –
Everybody is always mystified by your intensity and the fact that you’re an enigma. I find it more interesting when you manage to lose yourself in the moment. You’re a whirlwind when your favorite song comes on and there’s nothing in the world that could keep your feet on the ground. The air above knows you better than anyone else. There’s no love song that could come close to the light behind your eyes.Sagittarius –
You’re always the one doing the leaving and you try to stay so stoic and strong but you can’t tell me you don’t miss having somebody to share it all with. This world is too big to stay on your own. You’re contagious and everybody is willing to let you in even if they know you’re going to leave. Prove them wrong. Stay this time.Capricorn –
You can sit there and act like the rest of the world doesn’t understand and maybe they don’t. But we both know I know you better than my own hands most days. I’d compare you to a splinter or maybe a paper cut but you got deeper under my skin that that. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to write you in a way that will make sense but I can’t. You’re something I can’t wrap up into words and I wouldn’t take you any other way.Aquarius –
There’s a lot of times you’re going to have to find the silver lining when there’s nothing but darkness for days. You’re going to want to cave in on yourself and disappear into it. Make yourself become a part of the abyss. But that’s not you. You’re the stars being born, becoming brighter every day. Don’t let anybody tell you that your spark is fading out.Pisces –
I hate seeing you try to turn into something dark. You’re letting them all sink their claws in and scratch and tear and stretch you out to fit their descriptions. They think they can just take and tear you apart to get what they need out but then they leave you. You’ve always been a giver and you don’t know any other way, but I’m telling you there’s something better out there. Only share parts of yourself with people that are willing to put something back in.
Mature Self empowerment and practice trusting yourself. —
Full Moon in Scorpio.
“With the sign of Scorpio be prepared to feel intense emotions and delve deep underneath the surface to extract the truth and awareness.. There may be an intense or burning desire that runs deep to remain attached (emotionally) to or hold onto someone or something even if it is toxic or unhealthy. Allow light of awareness to penetrate the dark areas of ignorance, shame and deep-seated resentment that lies hidden underneath issues. Give yourself permission to heal and move forward in your life, use the potential of the Full Moon in Scorpio to symbolically die to be reborn.”