trying to find my peace, finding my center and all that makes me happy. it’s a lot easier said than done but it’s a helluva lot smoother when you’re brutally honest with yourself; when you hold that mirror up and ask those tough questions: does this go against my character? will it change me? for the better/worst? does it align with my beliefs? etc … & after all that’s said and done & I’m stripping away excuses and buffers .. all that’s left is the God honest truth about myself. I am soft. sensitive. deeply, deeply touched by my experiences (often too towards my core, so much so that the sheer shock of overwhelming feeling causes me to lock up & sometimes never feel that specific emotion again). I am moved. shaken. inspired. happy. positive. blooming. love. constantly loving & trying to understand love. I am fearless & sometimes that makes me impulsive. I dive in, I am faithful, in God & those around me. I am hopeful & I strive to be a good person … and all these things make up my personhood and I want to defend them. Protect them. I don’t want to ever lose it nor have it fade. I’m not interested in shaving those parts off of myself because therein lies the truth about me. I am all that (& more, just don’t feel like typing it all out) and reminding myself of those qualities makes it easier to navigate life. it’s so much easier to carry on knowing the makings of yourself. decisions are made with a clear heart. intentions are set with a clear mind & even the most impulsive decisions will never feel like regret because it’s something I felt in my soul was right. mistakes are even more easily & throughly forgiven because there’s no one else to blame. accountability. idk, just some more self discovery on these here sleepless nights. gotta go.

poetry x horoscopes.


Aries — ripping off the band-aid, waking through a forest, being center stage, police sirens, fingernails tapping against a desk, boiling water, a sunflower field.
Taurus — chocolate melting, the ticking sound of a clock, blanket forts, sliding across a wooden floor in your socks, using sticks as swords, sunsets from the hood of a car.  
Gemini —the scent that follows after you blow out a candle, how handwriting is like a voice, your first visit to a haunted house, a rigid spine, the sound of crunching leaves, church bells.
Cancer —holding hands in a hospital, lemonade on the hottest day of the year, a psychic’s parlor, sage & lavender & vanilla, hot air balloon ride over the city, windmills.
Leo — city life at night, an acid trip, paint splattered at the wall, bubblegum, a one-way ticket, broken mirrors.
Virgo —fireflies in the summer, back of the class, pacing & the click clack of high heels, bleach, waves crashing, sun kissed skin.
Libra —when the couple says “i do”, lucky charms, bonfires, finger painting, blowing kisses, ballet shows, sugar on the tip of your tongue, outstretched palms in the wrong direction.
Scorpio —being stuck at the top of a ferris wheel, wind in your hair during a midnight car ride at 100 mph, skin on skin, magnets on the refrigerator, a ceiling fan in the dead of night, sticky notes, foxes in the bushes.
Sagittarius — jet lag, a wolf howling, bad puns, five star restaurants, burning your tongue, chipped nail polish, walking barefoot through the mud, treehouses.
Capricorn — a loaded gun, the first snow fall of the year when everything is still and silent, the first breath after a panic attack, sun showers, the dreamy state when you’re running on no sleep, candyland, breaking through the surface.
Aquarius — cracking open a fortune cookie, city lights in the rain, scissors & wrapping paper, bats in caves, sneaking out for the first time, watching the sunrise with your best friends, a wildflower breaking through the cracks of a sidewalk.
Pisces — a canoe on the lake at dawn, windchimes, spring, hundred year old trees, jazz music & feather boas, dream journals, glitter eyeshadow, art museums.
— feeling association with the signs, a.l. — (via wildfairys)

We’re constantly bombarded with words daily, things that are said in passing, in texts and between lovers. some words pass as music, most are just white noise but often we come across things that are poetry- that spark directly in the soul. Now y’all know I love me some horoscopes, I’m quick with the compatibility and birth charts, but I have yet to see anything like the list above. I haven’t stopped reading it since I saw it and when I did, I didn’t stop to think of those I have met throughout my life or potential partner, I instantly thought of the women in my life that have raised me, those who made me a better me, and those who helped me throughout all my difficult times. When I think of my mother, I think chocolate and childhood dreams, just like it reads for Taurus’, and when I think of my grandmother, I see so much of her in me so it’s only natural she represents visceral & the most lively thrills as it says for us Scorpio women. I read the Aquarius description and think about the wild adventures my sister and I have had growing up literally adjunct to one another our entire lives and the daises we used to pick in our youth. When I think of my best friend, I think of her reckless belief in love, naturally as any Libra and the times we used to sneak chocolates during family gatherings. This list isn’t just about your sign but how the writer puts into words, at least to me, so eloquently representing the abundance of feminine energy in my life that I am so blessed to be spoiled with every day of my life. To say this touched a nerve is an understatement. Hopefully y’all feel it the way I did and can go to those women in your life and appreciate them in their simplest most wondrous forms the way this had me.
H, xo.