
22 was a hulluva ride. this year has honestly been the most confusing and turbulent year of my life. never have I experienced a sense of inconsistency before and yet with all the trouble, I have found a sense of peace. realizing that often we attach our sense of self and happiness onto others, I had to figure a way that would get my sense of stability grounded - a way to realize that happiness and a blissful life literally were at my own fingertips. control of my life not only in the sense of handling shit, but realizing that my power was rooted in my ability to make shit happen for myself. my bliss came with my own prayer and my own work and for this realization? I am eternally grateful. today I am happy. I feel alive. I feel truly liberated and honestly so full of love, toppling over with gratitude. this is must be what it means to know yourself and what you need to nurture yourself cuz I feel pretty fucking rooted within who I am, and it’s amazing. 23, here’s to hoping for even more growth. xo