from my iPhone, with love.

I should be asleep, but I really can’t find the tired that was lingering above my bed not too long ago. summer has been bittersweet, so much good coupled with a little bad but there’s so much progress happening with me. Ramadan is over the horizon and it couldn’t come at a better time and it really hit me today that I’ve changed my major. Not just my major, per se, but my career path and it says a lot about who i have become. To go from wanting to be a counselor and help others to now wanting to, essentially and inshallah, be a writer, is a big jump. It’s crazy. Idk, liberating, I think. I’m a tad bit tipsy and my alarm is set for 8am so I’m not sure how I will wake up. But things are good, different, but good. I’ll just continue to vibe to this amazing ambiance and revel in the energy that everyone’s emitting because it’s wonderful. You’re wonderful, if you are reading this … you are truly wonderful. Goodnight