Google defines Luxury as “the stateof great comfort and extravagant living.” Y’all know.. Luxe. Opulence. Decadence. Dripping. Lavish-ery. Life style goals. ~Aesthetics~ & all that jazz. We’re so well versed in the art of luxury. Every musician, rapper, entrepreneur and your local Instagram homie/honey can all tell you what to need to have a luxurious life and the way this nation’s culture is set up … that’s all a part of the American Dream, to have more than the next person and honestly, I’m not knocking it. It’s all facts. This world has become extremely materialistic. Everything is a stunt, and while y’all figuring out different ways to “shit on niggas/bitches” the world’s splendors are passing you by. I’m not here to manage what y’all do with your money but I’ve always thought luxury was something more than the plush rugs, mink furs and golds all in your watch. Luxury is time, it’s a commodity unlike any other. Luxury is a beautifully underrated concept and with its twisted definition in today’s world … It’s hard to see outside that limited box. It’s not only time it’s a beautiful emotional release. It is moments, in all of their elegance. A luxurious moment to me is evenings spent with my family, laughing and reminiscing about good times. Quiet moments with God. It’s top-down weather. Off-days from work and school. Its intimate moments with friends. Secrets whispered in the wee hours of the morning. Adventures. Child-like moments. A good cup of coffee. Wind in your fucking hair. Something that makes you feel alive. The type of shit that gets your blood rushing and forcing that pulse to beat. So much more than just a lifestyle (word to Young Thug). Luxury to me, is freedom. Freedom from the confines of society, expectations and responsibilities if only for a miniscule moment (because that’s how long good things seem to last nowadays anyway). The word deserves a redefinition and reconfiguration. It desires to be modified and made modest. It yearns for simplicity, humility that is like the whispers of lullabies in the middle of July … Happiness. Bliss. Lifted weight. It is to be imprudently in love with your life. That’s the lap of luxury to me.
H, xo.