
‪Look back, forward and within — in all radial directions. Will your vision to your past and kiss the feet of those who walked before you. Bless their journey and their souls. Direct your vision to where you will catapult. Fling yourself with no avail, heart cavity open, and plummet towards your endless forever. Carve the newer spaces through the sheer power of your focus. And then settle, settle slowly and softly to the inner vision, the now-mindedness and look around you. Let the air waft through your finger tips and savor the flavor of right now. And right now. And right now.‬


I still dream of clouds as picture-stills representing God’s artistry. I still see the sun glimmer in the eyes of someone whose pain resonates with mine. I still prefer the touch of a man who desires the candor and ease of just being around me, to the taste of men who kiss me to engulf me. I still like gusts of wind in my face. I still blossom like a flower from the sun on my skin. I still listen to my music loud as the reverb of my heart to hush my soul. I still think and process before I open my mouth, but allow laughs to escape my throat without regard. I still share that love for that one place we went together, years ago where the sweets were too much for my sensitive teeth to handle, but i still lapped it all up because you can’t pause anything when the universe is trying to translate the simplicity of “Adventure Time” into a soul-imprint. I still indulge in run-on sentences, despite years of dropping A’s to B’s on school paper’s because of this beautiful habit. I still do not care about language constraints, just expression. I am still me. i am still me but without the additives. and that’s nice to know that after you dredge and slough - shed and slither back into your body that the pleasantness of your skin still feels like home.