#thestick - a lineage with safety and justice in mind.
the broom discord server is an online community for spiritual refinement. which at this point, feels almost like a rally cry, or an affirmation of how much actually happens in the server.
i take it that i’ll spend more time elucidating and sharing what happens in #thebroom, at another time. however, i wanted to take the time to introduce you all to a specific lineage space, known as - #thestick. #thestick is a lineage space, one of many, within broom discord server and we have been working, behind-the-scenes to define and redefine and eventually: outline the parameters of the question:
what is metaphysical safety?
i cannot imagine one person having the definition for what constitutes safety. i also cannot imagine any one of us being a stranger to un-safe metaphysical and even physical, interactions with other people. and so my intention is to put leg work behind creating true safe environments. not carceral one’s. not environments where only people who match and meet the demands of the status quo are gifted with metaphysical and physical safety. that, to me, is unacceptable.
i have also spent some time digesting the question of metaphysical safety, as well. and realized that i was so adamant about learning the parameter’s of metaphysical safety, because i had been metaphysically violated. and without un-earthing the painful details of how that kind of astral meddling de-railed my life’s trajectory, i’ll say for the sake of this post: i kind of made it a point to ensure that other’s who come across un-hygenic practitioner’s in the spiritual arena, do not have to suffer at the rate i did.
and from there, along with hours of processing and catharsis with other members in #thebroom, we voted and concluded, that #thestick would be a space for people to fill out forms to begin this process . to read a bit more about #thestick in reference to #thebroom, please see the screenshot below. to expand, click on the photo to be directed to the document in it’s entirety.
next: if you feel, after reading these parameter's, you can recall moments where you experienced un-safe interactions, praxis or containers - then i welcome you to fill out the google form created by members of #thestick to report incidents, below.
the safety form is one way for @safetyinspectors of #thestick to keep track of reports. it is also an earnest attempt to safely, surface accounts of metaphysical harm and if aligned? to facilitate communal reconciliation. if you have any questions about the nature of #thestick or this form, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly at: intrepidbodies@gmail.com