workstudy+bored+friday= tumblr survey.

40 Secrets about yourself. Be honest no matter what.

1 - Have you ever been asked out?

2 - Where was your default picture taken?
my rooom

3 - What’s your middle name?
not saying.

4 - Your current relationship status?

5 - Does your crush like you back?
yes he does

6 - What is your current mood?
tired! and bored.

7 - What color underwear are you wearing?
… ok

8 - What color shirt are you wearing?

9 - Missing something?
my bed, tehe.

10 - If you could go back in time and change something, what would you do?
nothing. truthfully. honestly. everything that has happened, has made me who i am. sans the cliche but it’s true.

11 - If you must be an animal for one day, what?
a panda!

12 - Ever had a near death experience?

13 - Something you do a lot?
listen to music and drive.

14 - The song stuck in your head?
breathless by corinne bailey rae. (annnd hearts.) lol

15- Who did you copy and paste this from?
this random girl

16 - Name someone with the same birthday as you?
i don’t know anyone born on 11.11

17 - When was the last time you cried?
last week because i thought my paper wasn’t gonna get done… don’t judge me.

18 - Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?

19 - If you could have one super power what would it be?
reading minds, without a doubt. and maybe the power to move things like matilda.

20 - What’s the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
smile. and eyes… eyes. oh and height lol.

21 - What do you usually order from Starbucks?
LOL! tall iced nonfat white mocha with peppermint OR a tall iced chai nonfat latte.

22 - What’s your biggest secret?

23 - Favorite color?

24 - Do you still watch kiddie shows or tv shows?
i rarely watch tv and if i do it’s usually house or how i met your mother.

25 - What’s on your walls?
pictures, a mirror, and posters.

27 - Do you speak any other language?
somalian and i can read arabic.

28 - What’s your favorite smell?
 anything vanilla

29 - Describe your life in one word.
exhausting on the slick.

30 - Have you ever kissed in the rain?
 si si.

31 - What are you thinking about right now?
whether or not i want to see someone this weekend.

33 - What should you be doing?
 there is nothing to do in workstudy.

34 - Who was the last person/ omnipotent being that made you upset/angry?
my paper is the last thing to make me cry.

35 - How often do you talk to God?
every day but that’s not enough.

36 - Do you like working in the yard?
hell no.

37 - If you could have a different last name?
yours. tehe.

38 - Do you act differently around a person you have a crush on?
i’m more smiley but i don’t act any different.

39 - What is your natural hair color?
dark dark DARK brown.. practically black.

40 - Who was the last person to make you cry?