there was this one time..

on twitter, where one of my followers was tweeting all this crazy stuff about his girlfriend and i’m like “aw, so and so has a girl.. cute” and then his final tweet said “if i had one, i’d tell her all this” and i thought it was hilarious. but now that i think about it, the concept is so adorable. an ode to a nonexistent lover. you could seriously write a book about it, and end it so eloquently, telling the reader that you have no one like this but possess the capacity to love someone so deeply. i love it. maybe when i get my degree in english i’ll write one, or maybe on tumblr. who knows but i do adore the concept. if i had the chance to tell my far out love something before i met them… i’ll leave that for another post lol. but it was neat. off to write my paper.