Love doesn’t need to make me reckless. Love should make me calmer and wiser over time. This has been a learning experience. Sometimes you don’t know your boundaries, and you have to grow them at a moment’s notice. Don’t let anyone penalize you for the thorns you’ve sprouted. New knowledge transforms us all accordingly. I know more about myself now than ever before. It’s taken everyone I’ve ever tried to love to get me here. But getting it wrong still has its pleasures and rewards. I am soft in old places, hard in new ones. I am releasing all the shame and trusting the ways I’ve changed.
i loveee tracing fingers on skin doesnt it feel so calming and Good
“Empathy isn’t just remembering to say that must really be hard—it’s figuring out how to bring difficulty into the light so it can be seen at all. Empathy isn’t just listening, it’s asking the questions whose answers need to be listened to. Empathy requires inquiry as much as imagination. Empathy requires knowing you know nothing. Empathy means acknowledging a horizon of context that extends perpetually beyond what you can see.”
You deserve a conscious lover. Someone who will not only know your favorite color or flower, but when to offer words in your rage, or the strongest embrace when no words will do.
You deserve a conscious lover. Someone who will not only work with you but for you. Work for your happiness when you’ve forgotten how to create it.. work for your smile when your lips won’t curve.
You, my dear, deserve a conscious lover that couldn’t imagine being anything else.
concept: late night, rooftop, good music & you
“kiss your friends’ faces more / destroy the belief that intimacy must be reserved for monogamous relationships / be more loving / embrace platonic intimacy / embrace vulnerability / use emotionality as a radical tactic against a society which teaches you that emotions are a sign of weakness / tell more people you care about them / hold their hands / tell others you are proud of them / offer support readily / take care of the people around you”
Love poetry
is never good poetry,
I prefer
lust poetry,
unrequited love poetry,
complicated friendship poetry,
coffee breath kisses in the morning poetry,
pick-pocketed glances poetry,
2 a.m. whispered conversations poetry,
8 a.m. walks to the bus stop poetry,
oblivious to love poetry
no longer as heartbroken poetry,
I can go on poetry,
watching you watch a movie poetry,
sitting next to you poetry,
elevator silence poetry,
dancing better when I move with you poetry,
singing just as bad but singing louder when with you poetry,
hearing each other’s heartbeats louder than our voices poetry,
sharing troubles and still wanting to see you poetry,
but more than love poetry,
silent poetry,
the rhythm and rhyme of life
“you’re my reflection, all i see is you.”
Mirror - Justin Timberlake.
A haiku about my Afro:
don’t fucking touch it
this is not a petting zoo
creepy ass white girls
“New Orleans is one of America’s best cities. It’s old and weird and feels like Europe. The nation would be a lot more boring if New Orleans didn’t exist, so we’re glad that it does.”
closer - corinne bailey rae