Happy birthday to my best friend/cousin/business partner/better half . I wish you were here so i could do my obnoxious rendition of happy birthday but i am so happy you are home. I am so proud and have so many warm feelings because of the woman you are becoming. I get chills and am so moved by your maturity and i know that’s directly from God himself. You never cease to amaze me with how you are the perfect medley of trill, ill and one hell of a lady all in one person. Thank you for all the times you jumped into my bed & asked “we getting coffee right?” even though the answer is ALWAYS YUS. Thank you for slapping me when i’ve tried to make reckless decisions. Thanks for bringing joy and light into my life when the shit was hitting the fan. Thanks for showing me being the bigger person never fails you. We been through hell and high water and when friendship feels like this, it’s nothing short of pure bliss. HoweverrrrrrrRrrRrrRrr you will always be my passenger seat rider to parts unknown and for that, my adventurous soul is so grateful for a partner in crime like you my nigga. Beat the odds. Beat the feds & guess what, we will have many more moments that will somehow supersede the endless laughs, cries and coming to God moments we have had. Don’t ever leave me on your birthday again 🤗❤️🌹 #classy #sassy #yabih #YasminsBirthday #imwithher🇺🇸