Female music producers are great too
when u catch urself thinking wistfully about dating and being in love and being c*ddled and how nice that would be
“He told me
he was afraid of
with thirteen
on his body.”
need more content like this.
So cute
“Aries - Embrace what they tried to take from you. Own what tried to ruin you.
Taurus - You have every right to be proud of accomplishing even the most mundane of things.
Gemini - The finish line isn’t worth anything if you’re having to destroy everyone else to get there.
Cancer - Be a little less reckless and a little more brave.
Leo - We’re all falling in love with watching you come back to life.
Virgo - You don’t have nine lives. Stop wasting away this one.
Libra - You’re better than their pettiness.
Scorpio - Your suffering was loud, but baby, your healing is brighter
Sagittarius - You’re doing more than just getting by, even if you don’t see it yet. It’s a matter of the big picture.
Capricorn - Why are you expecting anyone else to listen if you don’t even like the sound of your own voice?
Aquarius - Get ready for a string of green lights in a row.
Pisces - You dug your own grave this time.