“Girl is born into the world kicking and screaming. Girl is two years
old and her favorite word is no. Girl never stops believing in the
power of pink.
Girl is six years old and accidentally swallows dandelion fluff and it
keeps her soft the rest of her life. Girl always puts too much sugar in
the lemonade.
Girl sleeps with the window open every time it rains. Girl names every
ladybug. Girl is still small enough to fit in the lap of strangers,
still dances like nobody is watching.
Girl stands in the middle of a sunflower field and faces the sun.
Girl tries to zest a lime, accidentally cuts her finger. Girl has blood
between her legs for the first time.
Girl never stops believing in the moon. Girl worships the ocean.
Girl believes God is a willow tree. Girl wants to be a firework.
Girl wants to rain light and warmth over everyone she loves.
Girl is golden. Girl is glittering. Girl climbs trees in an apple orchard.
Girl accidentally falls and scrapes her knee. Girl walks it all off.
Girl is a state of turmoil.
Girl knows how to get out of the tunnel. Girl is the light at the end of
the tunnel. Girl believes in the power of girl. Girl never stops dreaming.
Girl is every shade of red. Girl is a raw, beating heart. Girl is always
palms open. Girl is forgiving, forgiven. Girl is the sky. Girl believes in love.
Girl kisses with her mouth open wide – there’s no more war, no more tremble. Girl survives to the end of the story.”