
Before I am flesh, I am first

my mother’s jewel, formed inside

her womb more hurricane than love

and more loved than broken. Diamond,

she says, do not be diamond for people

who don’t understand how much of you

had to hurt before you could call yourself

beautiful, before the mirror made sense

for being a mirror, before all your scars

were blood, first, and healing, second. This rain,

this rain and thunder has so much of you

before it became a part of the sky.

What I am trying to say is, You are sky.

What I am trying to say is, It’s okay

if your parts suddenly become parts 

of a decaying thunderstorm, darling,

you cannot call the sky a sky without it.

Before I am flesh, I am first

my mother’s jewel, formed inside

her womb more kind than angry,

more forgiving than I’ve ever 

given myself credit for, and

more loved than I ever was

since the day I was born.

Kharla M. Brillo || before i am flesh